《Everybody Needs A Best Friend》这首歌是电影《泰迪熊》的主题曲。讲述了一只熊和主人真挚的友谊。MV里添加了很多幻想成分,比如:熊也有自己的思想感情。 但是从这个MV来看,这段友谊荒谬而温馨。值得我们每个人去深思,一起来欣赏下。
My words are lazy
My thoughts are hazy
But this is one thing I’m sure of
Everybody needs a best friend
I’m happy I’m yours
You got a double
Who brings you trouble
And though you’re better without me
Everybody needs a best friend
I’m happy I’m yours
A fool could see decidedly
That you’re a ten and I’m a three
A royal breed is what you need
So how did you come to be stuck with a bummer like me
Oh you got a head full of someone dreadful
But how that someone adores you
Everybody needs a best friend
I’m happy I’m yours
A fool could see decidedly
That you’re a ten and I’m a three
A royal breed is what you need
So how did you come to be stuck with a bummer like me
Oh you got a head full of someone dreadful
And yet at last that someone adores you
Everybody needs a best friend
I’m happy I’m yours
I’m just a clown
And I’ll bring you down
But you just don’t care
‘Cause your best friend is me